Data-Driven Digital Marketing Brought my Startup to Get Clients from Company

Ari Sulistiyo Prabowo
5 min readNov 9, 2020


In March 2020, I started learning about data-drive that can increase sales, decrease the cost of marketing, and so forth. At that time, I had enough data to analyze it using data science/data analyst skills and decide to use the result as the new strategy to target the next customers. The result shocks me that I have new market segmentation which is the company as my client. I know that you are curious about the way I got this big client. So, let me tell you and hopefully, you can use the same thing that I did or improve it.

I am going to tell the story in bullet points and will be easy for you to follow my points
- What is data-driven?
- What is the difference between B2B and B2C?
- What is digital marketing?
- The previous strategy of digital marketing that I used
- The new strategy of digital marketing based on the data and its analysis
- Conclusion

1. What is data-driven?

Data-driven means that the decision is coming from the data that has been analyzed. From AT Internet glossary, data-driven usually makes strategic based on data analysis and interpretation. A data-driven approach enables an organization to take any action and contextualize and/or personalize its messaging to its prospects and customers to get better results.

“Every single decision comes from data which is accurate, unbiased and trustworthy is data-driven”

2. What is the difference between B2B and B2C?

In the middle of covid-19, I luckily had a client from big companies such as Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), and Great Eastern Life (a member of the OCBC group).

I know that the title point is about B2B and B2C because the client that I had, in particular, are the types of clients whose transactions forms are B2B and B2C. So let me explain brief information about the difference between B2B and B2C.

Business-to-business, usually called B2B, which the transaction forms between businesses. According to James Chen in Investopedia, B2B refers to a business that is conducted between companies, rather than the company and individual customers. One company will use a product from other companies to work together to sell the end product to the customer.

For instance, Great Eastern Life is one of our clients which use our service to train their clients about hydroponic as one of the solutions to stay happy for their client’s mental during the pandemic.

Business-to-customer, usually called B2C, which the transaction forms between business and end-consumer. According to Will Kenton in Investopedia, B2C refers to a business that is conducted between the company and direct customer.

For instance, OJK and KSI are types of clients that use our product and service to train about hydroponic to their employees with all stuff from us during the work from home.

3. What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the use of the internet, social media, search engine, and other channels to reach more customers in terms of customer behave, according to Adam Barone in Investopedia. I have covered a lot about digital marketing in my other story about Why I invest myself to learn digital marketing?

4. The previous strategy of digital marketing that I used

Here is the part when I target all potentials customers in Indonesia. I did primary market research based on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, and see the trend of hydroponic keywords in Google. I found that some areas are potential whether it is low or high because my product and service can be deployed easily to that area.

Property of Hidroagro

As you can see that my startup has customers all over the province in Indonesia. From the above statement that some areas have low and high potential, but I was not so brave to select and decide the high potential customer because I think that even low potential customer is still potential to generate revenue.

In March 2020, I tried to learn about python and finally arrived in data science with python. At that time, I have ammunition to use that data and analyze it into something that can give value especially revenue.

“Data is invaluable and the statement of data is the new oil is true”

5. The new strategy of digital marketing based on the data and its analysis

In terms of targeting customers, I use Facebook ads instead of Google ads because of some considerations that people in Indonesia tend to see photos and videos that can easily be consumed. I have prepared for you about my other stories such as How I Increase 50% Customer Acquisition in Digital Marketing using Data Science and Why I invest myself to learn digital marketing?

I change my way to set the parameter in Facebook ads such as targeting the area that most customers, set the range of age and keyword of hydroponic from the analyzed data all this time. Of course, you may get the leads down, on the other hand, you get the potential leads instead of junk leads. Therefore, the customer that I get after setting the new strategy of digital marketing brings the company as my new client even B2B and B2C.

“Some leads come and have better quality is better than a lot of leads come”

Perhaps, it may be simple to change the area of our target, the range of age, keyword, and gender. Sometimes, you need to think and use a simple strategy instead of a complicated strategy. As the Enterprise Design Thinking from IBM, you talk and discuss this strategy with your colleague and decide it as soon as possible. This process is always looping with your colleague and will allow you and your team to fail early and quickly by observing what works and what doesn’t.

Company Clients of Hidroagro


Data is something that you may concern to analyze it for your business to get more users, more leads, more revenue, and so forth. You have to remember that data will drive you the wrong way for your business. Therefore, you have to do a business to understand what you are trying to do and what kind of data you need, and I have written them here. Once you have done to collect your data and clean it, you directly analyze it and doing A/B testing to see the result from your analysis.

Congratulations, you have realized that your data is something valuable to do the next strategy of your business and you may use that strategy to achieve your goal. I wish that you follow my article sequentially because I deliver my stories very structure in my medium. You may follow me through LinkedIn and Medium and I will be appreciated if you have any comments on my article so I can share with you more and of course based on my own experience.




Ari Sulistiyo Prabowo
Ari Sulistiyo Prabowo

Written by Ari Sulistiyo Prabowo

Love in data, product and marketing | Lead Data Analyst |

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